Gender Affirmation Surgery: Options and Medical Innovations for Transgender Individuals

The transition journey for transgender individuals is a crucial step in affirming their identity. Whether one is a trans man (FtM - Female to Male) or a trans woman (MtF - Male to Female), various medical solutions support this process, including hormone therapy, gender-affirming surgery, and specialized medical devices.

Trans-identity is a reality, and it is a complex subject

Vocabulary and terms are not always understood in the same way. Also, each individual has his/her/their vision of trans-identity. Some may want to go under medical treatment and surgeries. Some don’t.

Surgical techniques have improved a lot in the past decades to offer a wide range of possibilities to these people who feel the need and desire to undergo surgery to be truly themselves.

Some people identify as non-binary gender. Here, we will mention those people who are on the path of transition towards their gender.

Why ZSI Implants for FTM patients?

FTM (Female to Male – born and recognized as female at birth but who doesn’t identify as such and identifies more as male) people may have several steps to complete for their transition. Each country also has its regulations and laws according to some steps (medication, psychological follow-up, surgeries etc.)

One of the first medical steps consists in taking testosterone, allowing a better balance of hormones and several changes in the body. It increases libido and changes the whole metabolism and physical attributes (secondary sex-characteristics).

Surgical steps are various and can depend from one person to another one. Phalloplasty is one of the last surgeries. It is the creation of a neo-phallus made of skin graft from another part of the body (forearm, leg, back, abdominal skin etc.)

Surgical teams may be composed of urologists and/or plastic surgeons, it depends.

Despite their efforts to give the appearance and sensitivity of a penis, phalloplasty doesn’t include a glans formed of spongy tissues nor erectile corpora cavernosa anchored securely to the base of the pubis – that are both essential for achieving erections. A penile implant should be used for this purpose.

Until 2016, devices used to provide erections in phalloplasty were the same devices used for cismen with erectile dysfunction. Surgeons had stretched their creativity trying to adapt these penile implants but many problems arose.

Profiles of the patient (age, libido, partner etc.) and morphologies, uses and needs are completely different, and this kind of ED devices are not adapted to transmen.

In 2016, Zephyr Surgical Implants was aware that these devices were not perfectly fitting for transgender morphologies and phalloplasty. The company developed implants fitting more the requirements and constraints given by phalloplasty.

Why ZSI Implants for MTF patients?

MTF individuals are women who were assigned male at birth. Many MTF people who suffer from gender dysphoria might decide to do reconstructive surgeries. Construction of the vagina is one of the most sought-after operations. This neovagina is a sort of “tunnel” created amid the rectum, the urethra, and the bladder. The male anatomy has only a small flap of tissue in the perineum to create a vagina. The surgeon creates a space between 12 and 18 cm long behind the bladder, the size depending on the size of the patient.

Once this tunnel has been created, the internal walls must be covered with tissue; otherwise, they will close again, as it would occur with any wound. The majority of surgeons use the skin of the penis or of the scrotum for this, as well as the coating of the urethra. If the neovagina is left like this after the operation, it can retract or become necrotic, and at the end of six months it will be closed again. Therefore, the tissues of the neovagina must be applied correctly to the walls of this “tunnel,” to generate new vascularization, which “feeds” the new organ. Until the scarring is complete, the neovagina must be kept open to maintain its amplitude.

Personalized Medical Support for Transgender Individuals

The gender transition journey is unique to each individual. Access to accurate information and the best medical solutions is essential to ensuring a successful and comfortable transition. With innovations in medical devices, transgender patients now have access to tailored solutions designed specifically for their needs.

If you are transitioning or considering gender-affirming surgery, learn about out available options to optimize your comfort and quality of life.




Inflatable Penile Implant for neopenis
Designed for transman, device to use after phalloplasty
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Malleable Penile Implant for neopenis (semi-rigid)
Designed for transman, device to use after phalloplasty
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ZSI 100 D4

Malleable Penile Implant for neopenis (semirigid)
Designed for transman, device for metaidioplasty
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ZSI 200 NS

Vaginal Expander
Designed for transwoman, device for vaginoplasty
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